Blogger Conference....
Well, recently, there's this blogger conference somewhere in this quiet town.
Seriously, why do they need to have a conference? Isn't it enough to see their crap all over their blogs?
While I'm pretty cool with them meeting up, I'm rather annoyed with the papers.
Particularly with the phrase "It was like a chess club board conference".
And, according to the article, the meeting was a boring one.
I'm extremely offended by that phrase. It's saying that every single damned chess club is as boring as those losers meeting together.
First off, let's start off, with what's said. Most of the people are "shy" when outside, indicating clearly that they have no life, and relied on blogs in order to tell their stories to the world, something which they probably can't do without the help of a keyboard and a mouse. This is further supported by the fact that the "conference" became more interesting due to the people "shedding their identities", hiding being a veil as a IRC type of chat is used. Again, this further adds to the fact that these people don't have much EQ, unable to communicate well with the gifts which the peeps above gave us. Of course, with this IRC chat, they are able to make snide remarks, have quite a bit of cheek, against the ones who were currently at the podium.
And of course, with losers, more of them will appear. Many actually posed for photos with the three biggest losers I've seen, namely the few which I've mentioned before.
Oh well.
Seriously, if you can "speak" well online, you should be able to do the same "offline". What's the point of being able to spew crap all over the place, but when your mask is removed, you can't communicate worth nuts?
Oh well, those who actually went were such anyway. Can't exactly expect too much. LoL.
However, why just losers such as those be attached to "chess club" members? For the chess club which I call my CCA, it's nothing like those geezers meeting up, having a nice quiet game. Heck, my exco meetings were usually filled with laughter, and often, a little bit of messing around. As it's a newspaper, I don't know why they would like to generalise people to certain attributes. Why can't silence and boring be attributed to "golf" or something noisy being tagged as an "arcade"? No, silence is always "chess club", not "science club", and noisy is "crowd" or whatever.
Really, this shows how ignorant people are. If journalists are making this kind of assumptions, what are they telling the public? Heck, what can they based upon to make such an assumption, a stupid one, in the first place?
Oh well. The world is going to hell anyway.
LoL, I really have to thank Xin Lan today for all her motivation to make me, if not force me, to complete my tutorial. For once, I had to abandon my "tradition" of leaving the last question unsolved. Really, thanks! I don't think I would have continued after seeing 5 part 2. LoL. I think I might say this in person soon, but until then...
Maybe you'll read this, maybe you won't. *shugs again*
Today, when Serena was giving out prizes to those who got did well in chem, all those who received got quite a bit of applause.
Except for one.
No need to guess. LoL. It sure was funny, as the applause died almost the instant her name is read.
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